Bravo Heba for a very well researched and written article. Thanks

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“A significant portion of those are obviously immigrants from countries in North Africa and the Middle East, where antisemitism and hostility towards Israel have a particular breeding ground “ the draft law states, backed by no concrete evidence for such remarkable claims.

It continues: “as well as their descendants, the instruments of residence, asylum and citizenship law must be used more consistently than before- in addition to general means such as criminal law- in order to combat antisemitism in Germany more effectively.”


The great Aryan language of "breeding ground" in this Good German Germany, it takes the cake, no? Again, we are rats, useless eaters, useless defecators, useless sleepers, useless dreamers, and, alas, USELESS BREEDERS.


But this is EuroTrashLandian values, the Gardeners of Greatness, feeling the strain of the Great White Man's/Woman's/Person's Burden.


The war is set, and the UnUnited $nakes ofr AmeriKKKa-Israel First Uber Alles, is readying to torch some parts of the world:

the Make America Great Again movement, by and large, with a few notable exceptions like Candace Owens who suggested that Nikki Haley should run for president of Israel, appears to be taking it good and hard. The spineless sycophants ought to swap those MAGA caps with “Cucks For Israel” replacements.

Via Jerusalem Post:

“’As far as decision-making, it is a partnership,’ [Lt. Gen. Richard Clark] continued, stressing nonetheless that ‘at the end of the day it is about the protection of Israel – and if there is a question in regards to how we will operate, the last vote will probably go to Zvika [Haimovitch].’

Washington and Israel have signed an agreement which would see the US come to assist Israel with missile defense in times of war and, according to Haimovitch, “I am sure once the order comes we will find here US troops on the ground to be part of our deployment and team to defend the State of Israel.”

And those US troops who would be deployed to Israel, are prepared to die for the Jewish state, Clark said.’We are ready to commit to the defense of Israel and anytime we get involved in a kinetic fight there is always the risk that there will be casualties. But we accept that – as every conflict we train for and enter, there is always that possibility,’ he said.”


And those great Arab nations who are in bed with Israel? Nope, just spineless sea jellies.


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Preserving democracy by cutting the freedom of speech is such a losing position. And that orientalism we Germans are fed, it's so yesterday. My hope are young people who grow up with the ideas of equality, maybe even equity. Remember though, Germany is American occupied territory, so we all have to stand with whatever the US wants.

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The pro-Palestinian protests are growing much bigger even though they invested billions into lousy propaganda. The guilt complex of Germans is useful for our dear leaders, to ignore the crimes committed against them in the past and to keep Germany in the fold. Stand with Israel only leads to diminished rights in Western countries and legitimizes horrific violence that one day will turn on us. Martin Luther King kept making that point. Thank you Hebh for the update.

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Perfectly stated Ernesto... I'm halve German a generation removed in USA and i'm sick of them constantly reinforcing Germany GUILT reparations..but i get it serves the interests to keep them under control and in line for fear of the anti this that label and accusations that have been weaponized.

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I used to say to my gal some day when The USA and Israel are on their way down a lot of nations that the USrAel have fucked with are going to jump that obedient to the west ship and give them a swift last kick on their way down..

The African nations seem to be standing up and voicing their displeasure with 100 years of being used and abused and ripped off by western colonialism.

And sadly as we see the never ending pool of willing sycophants the west seems to find to place in position of power through out the EU so that they act as vasile states to USrAel hegomony as their sniveling lap dogs.

It reminds me how I noticed a trend in the USA corporate greed world of busyness that the board of directors look in the ranks for the ladder climbing little shits who are all impressed by the fame and fortune of position and power to anoint them to a CEO position and give them all the perks and privileges they seek and as soon as it all goes belly up they get that sucker to take the fall.

Look at Tony Hayward of BP who said "I just want my life back" (yachts and penthouses) while he was being pillared in the press for the horizon disaster.

These EU leaders it's the same thing..they think they are getting privy to a seat at the inner circles when they are really just being used by the real hidden MFKERS that control everything. And will throw their sorry ass under a buss if they need to.

Ziolensky no different..that suckers going to find out sooner or later..I can't wait for the day..although I suspect he's a mossad asset.

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Well thank you sir..

Its refreshing to find like minded kindered spirits in this open air insane asylums we find ourselves.

"The captins of industry have turned off the seat belt sign,,,you are free to move about the cage". CLB

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Whoever penned that legislation spent an evening polishing up the jack boots and pressing that Hugo Boss uniform they have in their closet in anticipation of the new Zionist fatherland!...or i should say motherland as that is the demarcation of authentic Jewry... but i best be careful as i don't want a scarlet letter "A" on a bit of cloth pinned to my lapel..

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If you want to know who rules over you then you must learn whom you're not allowed to criticize - so who is government accountable to if not to it's people?

All around the world our governments more then appear to have been majorly compromised due to the fact that valid criticism and publications of crimes against humanity is to invite accusations of thought crimes.

So we already have a world government in place as was made obvious by the fraudulant pandemic.

The hypocrisy is that there's zero accountability for the crimes committed by the soulless servants of empire but that is to be expected.

Accountability is reserved for civilians who dare to expose the crimes of empire -

We really are all Assanges now it's high time that Julian Assange was released from prison.

None of us are free while one of us is in chains.

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Could not agree more Finn! Assange's persecution enrages me and saddens me on multiple levels... worse still i see no answers other than his freedom...but if he dies in captivity (as they hope) he will become a martyr

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I can't help feeling like I'm in some Orwellian dystopia movie. Each day the doublespeak crack down on freedom of expression and the criminalized dissent gives me shivers down my spine.

We already have to talk on social media in hushed tones and cleverly worded statement to avoid draconian censorship.

The levels of unabashed fascism coming from officials in all western allies nations is frightening.

The abuse dynamic is rearing its ugly head as governments turn into tyraniacal psychopaths before out eyes.

And the brain washed sheep public seem to go along like mindless lemmings jumping off the cliff to the pied pipers song.

My faith in humanity has never been lower in all my 60 years of existence.

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This genocidal maniac makes one almost believe in alien body snatchers


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Germany never seems to disappoint by trying to be always on the forefront of the latest iteration of fascism. (Must have somthing to do with the need for perfection after failing at it last time, and clock making)

I suppose the never forget crowd has taken that to mean never forget to behave that way too. After all getting even with pounds of flesh is to soothe the existential invented threat.. (and twist the German government to apply It to the Zionist enemys this time)

It must be exhausting to always make sure they are living in fear as a victim. And all the while perpetrating what they fear onto others making new enemy's.. That old saying crying out in pain as they strike somone... Of course all this will be touted as antisemitism..

Like Chapels SNL monologue noting that "Hollywood has a lot of Jews, like a lot, of jews." You can notice it's truth,,but dare you say it out loud. Why? Because with all con artists at work the con is off as soon as the mark suspects the con. They want your silenced so the mark can stay unsuspecting. And the mark is the western public who pay for this Palestinians slaughterhouse reenactment.

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Just looked up the "Bundestag" ...Man imperialist really seem to like their eagle motifs and symbol's... Must have something to do with the predatory nature of them ripping the entrails out of their catch appeals to the type of personality that still hides a Nazi uniform in their closest...

Odd that they at the same time as they kiss the star of David while embracing the Historical past with this legislation of rounding up Palestinians for a train ride but now its the Palestinians and the rest of us they want in the freight cars to pay their guilt reparations to the Zionists....

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Ernesto ..i must say i do enjoy your writing style with all its similar subtle and not so subtle sarcasm built in.. It sings to my own thinly vailed disgust in the zogmafia takeover of the western world...

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Most of my close friends and associates on the activist group I run with are Jewish...I watched Zionist spit on Marsha from Jewish voices for peace at a protest we had both been standing in..I almost got into a fist fight till the cops broke it up.. There are so many real honest decent Jewish folks I know who say not in my name and their thinking and behavior has always been an inspiration to me and the actions and behaviors from Zionist have been some of the most disgusting displays of behaviors I have ever witnessed...

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