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On Palestinian Affairs - very briefly H.J. . . .


Much precedes the public 1917 Balfour Declaration letter concerning Palestine, short as it was.

The major deception the avoidance of any reference to the rights of the dominant population, or their existence, except obliquely.


US President Woodrow Wilson’s endorsed it and spoke to his new international relations principle - self-determination.

“National aspirations must be respected. Peoples may now be dominated and governed only by their own consent" - February 11, 1918.

The application was selective.


Of course Arab diplomats and leaders were outmaneuvered. Little of British, American and European politics they understood, nor their ways and means.

That Arab interests were subordinated - Racism or Geo-Political Positioning by Western Governments? Perhaps both; certainly the latter.


And so to present realities. May have been different.

Within a Sea of Islam, instead of applying power politics and military force, courtesy of a now declining US military power, the architects of The Promised Land might have sought more cordial security arrangements with Islamic States.

Instead a sea of resentment, entirely contained by Washington's military supply chain.

A none too distant future draws near, as Washington's influence declines.

Do not bet on Russia or China to become the new defender.

Then the real wars start.


The future is written in the past. As it was written . . .

"Think no longer that you are in command here, but rather think how, when you were, you served your own destruction" - Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, 429 B.C.


A brief history of the genocides of the cultivated, cultured Europeans, The Americans and The Brits., H.J. These things do not come from nowhere.


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